Civil Litigation, Zoning Law, Land Use, Administrative Law, Business Law, Commercial and Residential Real Estate Transactions
Mark Spencer Cropper
Mark Spencer Cropper (Member) born Salisbury, Maryland, September 5, 1964; admitted to bar, 1989, Maryland; 1992, U.S. District Court, District of Maryland.
Frostburg State College; Salisbury State College; University of Baltimore (B.A., magna cum laude, 1986; Alpha Chi; Phi Alpha Delta) University of Baltimore School of Law (J.D., 1989). Law Clerk to Honorable Theodore R. Eschenburg and Honorable Thomas C. Groton III, Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, 1989-1991. Author: "The Ocean City Beach Replenishment Conflict," University of Baltimore School of Law, Law Forum, October, 1988.
Worcester County and Maryland State Bar Associations.